Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,646 questions • 9,014 answers • 876,290 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,646 questions • 9,014 answers • 876,290 learners
Claude-3.5-Sonnet dice que
"They may want a higher salary"
puede traducirse como
"Quizás querrían un salario más alto".
El bot dice que el condicional da un matiz más tentativo o hipotético que el subjuntivo y suena más cortés o diplomático. ¿Qué opinas?
I know that letters in Spanish are feminine, but I notice in this reading that the acronym DNI is proceeded by a masculine article. Is that because the word "documento" is masculine? Or are all acronyms masculine in Spanish?
Por qué hay una coma entre y otra coma después de ?
Por qué se usa "las" en "[la juventud] es un lienzo en blanco esperando ser pintado con las que son consideradas experiencias inolvidables y valiosas lecciones de vida"?
la de fotos que
I was going to paint my bed last week?
This lesson still applies or Preterite should be used? It was planned for the last week. Or now it depends on which time frame we use?
Hola - if the answer to the question is 1, would the ‘ser’ variant be ‘es’? Gracias!
Así como en los deportes, donde necesitamos practicar hasta obtenermos mejores resultados, también es así con los idiomas. Devemos practicar hasta alcanzarnos nuestro objetivo que es hablar, charlar, comunicarnos. Así como en los deportes, debemos siempre mantener nuestra motivácion hacia nuestro objetivo.
In the reading, the sentence "A que no te lo imaginabas?" is translated as "Can you imagine?". It seems like that translation is missing some nuance. After reading through the corresponding lesson, it seems like more accurate translation would be "I bet you wouldn't have imagined it!". Would this be accurate, or am I missing something?
Hello. The following example in this lesson threw me off: "After the party we will call a taxi" (Despues de fiesta llamamos un taxi). My question is why was the present tense ("llamamos"), and not the future tense ("llamaremos"), used here? My guess is that the future time is very short (i.e., right after the party). If this is correct, is there a general rule for a given time frame that would require use of the future tense? Thank you for any clarification.
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