Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,628 questions • 9,032 answers • 878,193 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,628 questions • 9,032 answers • 878,193 learners
Un hecho -
Comó yo mientras Alberto nadó.
pero no??
Comó yo conforme Alberto nadó.
Good morning.
Where in the lesson does it say that the vosotros form of "sonreir" in the imperative has an accent. Would you direct me to other exceptions of the rule.
Thank you.
I'm wondering about the use of traer in some of the example sentences. I had thought it was used when the speaker was at the place where something is being brought to; otherwise we use llevar? Wouldn't we say 'Ellos llevan al perro al parque'?
I have read this lesson and i think that stating that the tense of the verb following has to be the past participle would clear the confusion.
Si mue gusta. Cuando era niña comi toda las gaetas del mundo
The quiz asks you to use the gerund to say while (doing something). To get rewarded full points for this mini quiz however, you also have to select the option that uses mientras. If the question had been something like, "select the correct ways to say while (doing something)" it would have been clearer to me.
Esto me encontré muy interesante. Vivía en España, en Valencia, durante el año escolar 1973-74. Sabía que Franco estaba enfermo y no tenía mucho tiempo. Me gusta mucho entender lo que pasó después que volví a EE.UU. No había tantos noticias en nuestra país sobre lo que pasaba en España. Gracias para esto video. Es importante que nosotros aprendamos de la historia.
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