Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,515 questions • 8,793 answers • 853,659 learners
The question is:
Qué ________ por ese chico?What do you feel for that guy?
The answer given was sientes. However for me a possible answer to the question could be "I feel happy for him" which translates (hopefully) into Me siento feliz para él. So should the answer to your question not the reflexive "te sientes"
The question
________ a vuestra pregunta.I am answering your question.HINT: Conjugate "contestar" in El Presente Continuo.
I understand the answer Estoy contestando buy why is the preposition "a" included in the original sentence. "Vuestra pregunta" is not a person. Estoy contestando a vuestra amiga
I notice from the examples that hacerse seems to be used (with few exceptions) when the change is under your control or voluntary. This is logical because you are "making yourself" change.
And quedarse means "keep", suggesting that you're stuck with the change permanently!
This seems to help me. I hope it helps other students.
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