Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,515 questions • 8,793 answers • 853,622 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,515 questions • 8,793 answers • 853,622 learners
Nosotras fuimos responsables de ese proyecto.
We were responsible for this project.
Shouldn't this be "este proyecto?"
Yo fui a casa de mi abuela la semana pasada.
I went to my grandmother house last week.
Why is this not fui a la casa rather than fui a casa?
En este frase, no entiendo por que es "Si usted hubiera venido antes, yo le atendería" y no "Si usted hubiera venido antes, yo le habria atendido". No entiendo por que la tradución en ingles es I would have served you y no I would serve you.... Help!
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