Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,570 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,503 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,570 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,503 learners
In the Superbike translation exercise, you translated "We'll always remember this day" as "Vamos a acordarnos siempre de este día". Why is "Vamos a recordar siempre de este dia" not also correct ?
This is an interesting construction. is there a lesson that deals with it?
It would seem to me that 'a su madre' should be after ve. could K say ... ve a su madre llegar?
Present + desde hace ...
Hace ... que + present
Imperfect + desde hacía ...
Hacía ... que + Imperfect
why is a future tense used in this sentence? could we use some of the past tenses instead?
Do I understand correctly that this sentence implies that it took today or even a short time ago?
Should the phrase be "con sillas en las que"?
Saludos. John
In the sentence:
"En mi opinión, debemos reducir su consumo para dormir mejor."
The instruction tells you to use the verb "disminuir." ??
The quiz translated this as "She is looking forward to starting her trip to Honduras." Wouldn't that be "Ella está deseando empezar su viaje a Honduras."?
Two of the examples shown for por are still confusing for me (por mí, jaja). Both translate to "for + pronoun", but I am having a hard time knowing the difference here. It seems subtle.
Antonio lo ha hecho por mí.
Antonio has done it for me.
Para ti es muy fácil todo.
For you everything is easy.
For example,
Tengo que ir al colegio.
Instead of using "voy", ir was used. Why is that?
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