Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,572 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,646 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,572 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,646 learners
¿Pueden decirme, se debe usar el artículo aquí o no?
¡Qué bien que el sábado ________ fiesta! Great, we will have a party on Saturday!HINT: Conjugate "tener" in El Futuro Simpletendremostendremos una
I still struggle with the whole ser and estar rules but I cannot see why ser is used in this sentence. If it means "I am not (by nature) the kind of person who will take risks" then "ser" would fit, but that is not at all obvious from the sentence. The translation offered was "I will not be too daring" [or something like that] which to me suggests that she was adopting a cautious strategy in the game, to avoid being embarrassed. Hence a temporary / changeable state.
Can you clarify this for me please?
Thanks. John
In the test you say the situation is hypothetical but the answer is in the future tense. Shouldn't it be in the subjunctive?
I'm confused over the above example: El banco nos dijo que firmáramos los documentos.
With the English translation provided (The bank told us to sign the documents), why is it not written as follows:
El banco nos dijo firmar los documentos.
What's confusing is the reason for the use of el imperfecto de subjuntivo in this example --- particularly with this English translation.
Pati Ecuamiga
what is a plural spanish word for usted?
Porque usar « A »
Porque usar « le » , no « la » (esta femina)??
Susana no credit que ya __________ (mentir) antes
I have seen three words for car: el carro, el automóvil, y el coche. How do I know which to use? Are these regional? I see a lot about Spanish in Spain vs North America.
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