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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,630 questions • 8,987 answers • 873,489 learners
"... al diseño de una escafrandra estratosférica" misspells "escafandra" [putting in an extra 'r'] - and marks you wrong unless you misspell it in your answer! … It is correctly spelled when used again later in the passage... [I always tick the box: "Send email notifications of new answers" - but never receive any notifications?]
I know that you are teaching us well, and I'm 90% that I know what this means, but there isn't a translation for this sentence.
Julian tuvo una entrevista de trabajo muy exitosa. Se había preparado bien porque era una gran oportunidad para él.I think that it means,Julian had a very succesful job interview, he has prepared well because it was a great opportunity for him.Do I get a star? :-)
When working through the exercise, "En la televisión anunciaron nuevas medidas económicas …" was accepted as correct, but in the final version [which gets read to us at the end], "En la televisión anunciaban nuevas medidas económicas" was preferred... > This is not really a criticism or a question, because a good case can be made for each of those^ tenses - but you might like to cover that point to reassure us.
[A comment, not a question]: "Guión" is interesting because the Academia in Madrid recently ruled that it had to be spelled "guion". They added that they were not prescribing how it was supposed to be pronounced. A lot of people (in Spain; I'm not sure about América?) still pronounce it with two syllables, as if the 'o' carried an accent: 'ó'. It does become a bit problematic when you expand it to "guionista" - where there is no obvious indicator telling you to make it four syllables (i.e., separating the 'ui' from the 'o') > gui_on'ista.
This seems to me to be too ambiguous (or maybe too subtle) to be used in a lesson.
Gabriel no podía meter las llaves en la cerradura anoche.
Carlos couldn't put the keys in the keyhole last night.
Without additional information, it appears that it could be either way, depending on the reader’s interpretation.
mi hermana tiene 26 anos
es rubia
su cara es rodonda
tiene los ojos azules
y la nariz pequena
sus orejas tambien son pequenas
y tiene una sonrisa muy bonita
ella no es muy alta
pero es delagda
tiene una cintura estrecha
y piernas muy largas
sus pies son pequenos
mi herman es my elegante
siempre viste ropa bonita
sobre su personalidad puedo decir que ella es muy alegre,
y trabajdora
What is the difference between usage of Cómo and Qué when one is trying to ask questions about 'How'? I have seen both Cómo and Qué used for How?
Whats the best way to differentiate?
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