Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,528 questions • 8,811 answers • 854,739 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,528 questions • 8,811 answers • 854,739 learners
1. You marked my "continúa" as incorrect, telling me to remove the tilde (but you then included the tilde in your final version).
2. You told me to "Use a conjunction other than conque for 'so'", and then you proceeded to use "conque".
HI in the expression lo que admiro mas es la generosidad I put la que because generosidad is feminine but duolinguo said it is lo que, why is this
Hola Inma,
I really enjoyed this 'reader'. I'm a big Rosalía fan!
I'm just curious about the 'artistas plásticos' mentioned in this article. Is this simply describing artists that create art from plastic?
Gracias :)
Would that work in this case (if we saw ourselves in the current timeframe), and if it did, would it be that you could choose to either follow it with the present or the imperfect subjunctive?
He querido que vinieras conmigo de compras.
He querido que vengas conmigo de compras.
I wanted you to come shopping with me.
Does this mean my little friend is mi amiguito?
can you use cuanto antes for as soon as possible in the last sentence?
In every example the questions are:
De donde eres
De donde es usted
The pronoun is included in every formal example. Is it required in the formal?
It appears to me that the better answer for "we have been" would be "hemos estado" rather than "hemos ido," which seems to me to say "we have gone." In English, there is a difference between "been" and "gone." Could you please advise. Thank you.
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