Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,635 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,258 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,635 questions • 9,001 answers • 875,258 learners
His family's situation saddens them. : ___ la situación de su familia.
How to say "something bores/annoys/saddens you"
La respuesta para esto es "les entristece" pero pensé que familia es singular? Porque no es " le entristece"?
I initially wrote 'A lo mejor desconoces su existencia' instead of 'puede que desconozcas su existencia' and it was marked incorrectly, could you please kindly explain why?
Can you also please explain why 'tal vez desconozcas' and 'quizás desconozcas' are incorrect, if this is the case?
It says that I got this wrong, but I don't understand why (I put hubiese instead of habría)
Si no hubieran insistido tanto yo no los ________ a cenar.If they hadn't insisted so much I wouldn't have invited them for dinner.habría invitadohubiese invitadoRegarding "After I tried so hard...", couldn't "Despúes de que me esforzara tanto..." be another acceptable answer?
I think this might be more common in written Spanish?
What is the difference between Tengo catarro and tengo resfriado pls?
What is the difference between pocos and cuantos
Hola Inma,
Why do you use the infinitive endurecer insted of the sunjuctive? I thought both se empezara a and endurecer are attached to the Sería bueno que.
Muchas gracias!
________ la discusión del otro día, Martín no me dirige la palabra.
Because of that argument the other day, Martin is not speaking to me.
Por eso de
A medida que
Porque de
Así que
Why is "porque de" incorrect?
'If Cristina had married him' - why is 'se hubiera casada' marked wrong?
I like to think that if neither the speaker nor the listener can SEE what they are talking about, then we use allí. Would this work?
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