Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,625 questions • 9,023 answers • 876,994 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,625 questions • 9,023 answers • 876,994 learners
Hi, I have a question about the grammar of this sentence. I apologize it doesn’t have to do with “aquella.” Just wondering about the use of “estaba.” Why not “estuvo?” For something to be broken is that not permanent? Or is it because it was fixed that it “used to be broken”? Am I over thinking this?
I don't understand why in one sentence the lady says that she gets up early every morning (me levanto temprano) but in the next sentence she says "no me gusta madrugar". Are you just showing us that there are two ways to say that she gets up early? Isn't this a bit much for beginner Spanish!?!?
I was comparing two of the sentences above:
Clara se lava los pies cada día
Nosotros nos ponemos crema solar en la cara.
In English, both refer to plural objects i.e. her feet and our faces. In Spanish, los pies but la clara.
I wondered why Spanish refers to 'la clara' rather than 'las claras' as there is more than one subject therefore more than one object.
Could 'el pelo' be removed from the above sentence and still retain the same meaning. I assume that peinarse means to comb one's own hair.
En inglés, se escribe 'indifference' ;-)
Hi Inma,
I know that the answer for;
No voy a ir a esa fiesta, por si acaso ________ con David
is 'me encontrara' (not 'me encuentre') because it is subjunctive imperfect but is the future subjunctive not used in this case because the sentence is conditional?
Thank you
My sister would like the link to this lesson, she is also a premium member, how do I do this? Ty
In the last section of the translation, "between the practical, incredulity and mysticism" is translated as "entre lo práctico, la incredulidad y el misticismo." I don't understand why the práctico gets lo as it's article (other than because the hint said so). Can you explain, please. Thanks
Am I right in thinking that this form of relative cannot be used at all after a preposition?
Hola Inma,
creo que hay un pequeño error aquí. Falta un tilde, ¿no?
Un saludo cordial
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