Indicative vs subjunctive: comparing meanings The subjunctive is one of the most fun things to me about Spanish. I'm interested what I can do with it, and how it can work for me!
Is it right to assume that the meaning of pretty much the same conditional sentence in English can be switched from 'likely' to 'unlikely' in Spanish simply by applying the subjunctive? For instance......
LIKELY?: Si nos tomamos unas vacaciones, podríamos ir a España = If we took some holiday, we could go to Spain
UNLIKELY?: Si nos tomáramos unas vacaciones, podríamos ir a España = If we took some holiday, we could go to Spain (but that's just wishful thinking!)
I mean, am I right that the second sentence in Spanish would suggest that actually getting some time off from work is highly unlikely?
...... es un poco dificil pero, si supiéramos utilizar el subjuntivo, podríamos expresarnos mucho mejor en español! ¿Verdad?
For the question, "El dinero de la cuenta corriente ________ para ti," I thought the answer would be "eres," but since that wasn't offered, I chose "habia" though that did not seem correct. "Era" was the answer, but I don't recall ever seeing a discussion of "era." Presumably that is a form of Ser?
For the question, "I love going out with you," wouldn't one use the familiar you "me gustas" instead of the (subject: usted/she/he/it) "me gusta?"
I would have thought that as feliz is a transient feeling, estar would be apprpriate. However, in the example above, ser has been used.
Can you please explain.
Thanks and regards,
Just to clarify if I fully understand this lesson, would these 2 sentences be correct?:
1. Roberto, cuyas hijas van al colegio de mi hija, es abogado.
2. Tus padres, cuya casa actual es tan grande para sus necesidades, quieren una casa menos espaciosa.
Many thanks for helping me get my head around this. Saludos ~Oscar
There is a lot to unpack in this lesson and I'm finding parts of it quite difficult to comprehend. For example, I see three forms of traer used in examples that express "we." Also examples for "can we have" that do not contain a conjugation of "poder."
Also I don't know where to find explanations of the different tenses, preteritos, etc. of both traer and llevar that are used in this lesson, so a link to the related lesson would help us out. Thank you. I can tell this was a difficult one to put together and I appreciate your effort.
Is there a lesson or a table on conjugating these? Especially Traer could use some illumination in this regard, I don't recall seeing the kinds of conjugation as shown in the examples for traer. Thanks.
"An impersonal statement in Spanish, e.g. "Es bueno que...", "Es importante que..." can be followed by the infinitive", no está correcta, según se puede leer más abajo en el texto.
The subjunctive is one of the most fun things to me about Spanish. I'm interested what I can do with it, and how it can work for me!
Is it right to assume that the meaning of pretty much the same conditional sentence in English can be switched from 'likely' to 'unlikely' in Spanish simply by applying the subjunctive? For instance......
LIKELY?: Si nos tomamos unas vacaciones, podríamos ir a España = If we took some holiday, we could go to Spain
UNLIKELY?: Si nos tomáramos unas vacaciones, podríamos ir a España = If we took some holiday, we could go to Spain (but that's just wishful thinking!)
I mean, am I right that the second sentence in Spanish would suggest that actually getting some time off from work is highly unlikely?
...... es un poco dificil pero, si supiéramos utilizar el subjuntivo, podríamos expresarnos mucho mejor en español! ¿Verdad?
Could you please clarify the statement "They replace the -z with a -c in all forms. This is because after z you can only have the vowels a, o and u."
1. The word "zeta" appears to disprove this statement so is there a further qualification to the rule that's missing?
2. Why can those letters not follow "z"?
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