Spanish language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,521 questions • 8,794 answers • 854,072 learners
I had never come across ‘hacer caso’ until now. From now on, whilst practising speaking Spanish to/with my daughter I’ll use this. It will be very useful since she never ‘pays attention’ and ignores me a lot whilst spending numerous hours on Instagram etc. :)
Another phrase that I’m unfamiliar with is ‘dares cuenta’ which is used in this reader- doy cuenta... Am I correct in saying that ‘hacer caso’ and ‘darse cuenta’ are phrasal verbs? Do you cover phrasal verbs anywhere in Kwiziq?
Gracias y saludos
Hi, I noticed that this lesson link points to the -er verb version of this lesson.
And also A2 Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much,many ... as (comparatives) , with adjectives is the Same lesson.
I wrote 'el fin de la semana pasada' and it was corrected to 'el fin de semana pasado'. I can see why the definite article was dispensed with, but 'semana pasado'? Surely the adjectival form of 'pasado/a' is used, rather than the past participle?
Los mariscos en Grecia estaban riquísimos
I would have said eran riquísimos - because it's a characteristic.
Why am I wrong? :)
In this sentence: Vienes conmigo al cine? -________. Estoy cansada.
Why are both "no se" and "no lo se"correct, if it is expressing doubt?
When you say "colloquially", is it a less formal/ slang-like way to use it?
And which region is it used?
In the quiz answer 'Cuando bebe leche, siente como si fuera a vomitar', why is 'siente' not 'se siente' used?
The answer instructions don't say to answer all that could be correct or just one answer.
Are points taken off for just giving one correct answer?
Why is the past participle used after the verb sigues. Can you point me to the lesson where this structure is explained. Many Thanks
I was completely thrown by the inclusion of the words "About to".
Iba a avisarte would just mean "I was going to warn you"
I was about to warn you should surely be: "Estaba a punto de advertirte" Not given as an option
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