Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,633 questions • 9,000 answers • 874,396 learners
Could the above sentence be written without 'sobre'? As it would then be similar to the English sentence. If not what difference does sobre make to the meaning of the sentence?
Best regards,
I would just like to request more examples for practice before this particular lesson gets to the Kwiz Questions. And thanks for adding the Latin America option!
Some of the phrases sound like commands, why not use the imperative mood as opposed to subjunctive?
Kwiziq: ...las piezas cerámicas de colores.
Me: ...las piezas de cerámica coloreada.
Can you explain the difference please?
Hi i like potatos which are ver good yes. Me gusta potata.
This below in the lesson could be this month or could be future. It is a bit confusing, why is the above wrong to be in the present, if it uses the same structure as the below?
Este mes tengo mucho trabajo.I have/am having a lot of work this month.Here, the speaker could be referring to the current month which they are still in, or they could be referring to this "coming" month
¿Por qué se usa "la" aquí en esta frase, se refiere a doña Berta? ¿Por qué "la" en vez de "le"?
"Espere, doña Berta. Yo la ayudo con las bolsas."
¡Muchas gracias!
Los derechos que los espanoles tienen de la Constitucion son el derecho a votar, derecho a la educacion, a la libertad y a la igualdad.
Hi, I encountered this question but the answer key is wrong. Ella se ________.
She was taking a bath.(HINT: Conjugate "bañar (se)" in El Imperfecto Progresivo/Continuo)estaba bañandoestaba bañadoI was told in writing here in this app (and in another Spanish app) that when saying what you are (what your profession is), you do not put an article before the name of your occupation. Example: “Mi papá es médico.” (My dad is a doctor.) - No un of una. I took a test here earlier today and someone is a carpenter. I left out the article and was correct. Did I miss an exception? I will say that in this test, it was the person saying what their own profession is. “Yo soy un ?” I’ve already forgotten what the job was. Can anyone let me know? Gracias.
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