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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,562 questions • 8,887 answers • 860,466 learners
and pretérito perfecto compuesto (twice) in the same lesson for the same verb form. Is it possible to use just one.
Also, in my experience, ha invitado has usually been translated as has invited rather than invited/ ha visto as has seen rather than saw. So, I would then translate había visto as had seen. This is very confusing. Help. K
He terminado todas otras pruebas. Qué voy a hacer ahora? He pagado otras dos meses.
¿Cómo hago pruebas de C1?
There were many experts in the room and I talked to some.
The answer here would be algunos. But it is marked "alguno". That would be in English, "I talked to one (of them).
I thought if the two clauses in a sentence that normally takes the subjunctive both have the same subject, you would use an infinitive form rather than a subjunctive?
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