Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,521 questions • 8,794 answers • 854,040 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,521 questions • 8,794 answers • 854,040 learners
I´m wondering how do you know when to use "conocí" or "conocía"?
I recently read "se queda embarazada", and I also found it on 20Minutos. However, apparently, being pregnant is not a permanent change. Is this considered a special case?
El menor = el más pequeño
El peor = el más malo
How does it work for :-
el/la/los/las+ más/menos + pequeño/-a/-os/-as = menor/menores
el menos pequeno =? the least smallest - would you use the biggest - el más grande?
el/la/los/las + más/menos + malo/-a/-os/-as = peor/peores
el menos malo=? does this translate to the least bad - would you use el más bueno?
¡Lo que charla tu madre!
¡Cuánto charla tu madre!
estas frases son intercambiables? significan más o menos lo mismo?
(no importa, veo que esta pregunta ya ha sido hecha)
One of the examples given is: "Nadie responde...lo mismo el restaurante ha cerrado." Can you say the same thing and exchange "lo mismo" for "quizas": "Nadie responde...quizas el restaurante haya cerrado."?
I am having trouble understanding the difference between "perderse" and "perder" in the context of missing an opportunity. For example, if you were talking to someone about not coming to a move with you, could you say "perdiste la oportunidad de ver la pelicula"? Could you also say "te perdiste la pelicula"? Would both of these be correct?
Hi, I have to write an essay in Spanish about my personal life how do I say "MMA fighter" in Spanish would it "peleador de la MMA"which is what I have been taught or "luchador de la MMA" and what is the difference (I need European Spanish if that makes a difference)
No se entra simplemente en Mordor.
I think my translation of Boromir's famous line is probably ok, but whether any Spanish speakers talk like that might be a question.
My answer was: estan pensando
Test says, correct answer is: piensan
Isn't "estan pensando" more accurate here?
I answered this as "estan pidiendo"
But the exam says the right answer is "piden".
Isn't "estan pidiendo" more accurate answer?
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