Para ser sinceros"Su familia la quiere mucho y, para ser sinceros, ha hecho muchos sacrificios por sus hijos." quote from cloze exercise
I do not understand to whom 'para ser sinceros' refers to. Does it refer to 'su familia' or Eva, the daughter who made the sacrifices?
Why is 'sinceros' plural since it refers to a singular noun, either su familia or Eva?
This sentence doesn't make much sense to me.
I understand the need for para in para ser sinceros to mean in order to be sincere, but I am confused as to why sinceros is plural and to whom it refers.
Thank you.
Using para (and not por) for purpose, goal or objective
Después de años trabajando como extra se convirtió en una actriz muy famosa.This is the example from the lesson as for when to use convertirse ... yet in the test ...
Ella ________ famosa después del anuncio de la tele.
Here the correct answer is given as se hizo? Both are about becoming famous so what is the difference?
I can't find a translation of "librerias que bares"
Why do we need the indirect pronoun in this sentence at all as Flor is referred to by name?
Is it just for emphasis, would a natural speaker include it?
why is No todavía hemos cenado. marked wrong
"Su familia la quiere mucho y, para ser sinceros, ha hecho muchos sacrificios por sus hijos." quote from cloze exercise
I do not understand to whom 'para ser sinceros' refers to. Does it refer to 'su familia' or Eva, the daughter who made the sacrifices?
Why is 'sinceros' plural since it refers to a singular noun, either su familia or Eva?
This sentence doesn't make much sense to me.
I understand the need for para in para ser sinceros to mean in order to be sincere, but I am confused as to why sinceros is plural and to whom it refers.
Thank you.
Using para (and not por) for purpose, goal or objective
What is the difference between:
ser + [noun]
ser un + [noun]
What is the use case for each?
The suggested translation of 'to go red on the face' sounds odd. In English, we would say 'to go red in the face' or, more colloquially, 'to get red-faced'
Why is it "Yo fui el primero DE mi clase" and not "Yo fui el primero EN mi clase" for "I was first in my class?" Is there any difference or is DE also acceptable?
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