Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,517 questions • 8,793 answers • 853,852 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,517 questions • 8,793 answers • 853,852 learners
It says ' Do you prefer to wait sitting or standing' and I had to fill in the gap for prefer/preferir.
' Usted prefiere esperar de pie o sentado?'
I don't understand how prefiere is the answer and not prefieres
Is the preposition "a" used for other cases in Spanish besides expressing a part of the day?
Obtuve más de lo que quería. (I got more than I wanted.)
This sentence seems to require más de, though it is a comparison, and no numbers are involved. Can you explain this, please?
"El hemisferio meridional" is an accepted (though perhaps less common) equivalent of "southern hemisphere." Perhaps it could be added as a correct answer.
Upon clicking on the lesson, I see this warning, "Note that this is a Europe focused lesson. Your active focus is Latin America.' .... how are weather talks different in Latin America?
there appears to be an error in one of the questions regarding this lesson.
The answer for "I like irish dancing" should be "me gusta...", however the correct answer is shown as "Me gustan", irish dancing is a single form of dance, not several (soy irlandes hahaha)
I have a doubt. I came across the following sentences in a book:
1. El ruido me bombardea los tímpanos sin cesar cada día
2. Los sonidos resurgían dentro de mis tímpanos
Sentence 1 seems like a perfect example of how you explained in this article. But what about sentence 2? Why would we use the adjective here instead of the article?
The recorded voice says "Me gusta vino blanco" it leaves out " el vino"
Hizo su examen antes de haber repasado. The meaning of the English translation is not clear. I’m thinking that a better translation in American English would be “He took his exam before having reviewed.”
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