Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,633 questions • 9,001 answers • 874,486 learners
Hello, I haven't seen the phrase "Hoy en día" before, is this common usage and when is it most useful to use rather than just Hoy.
I am having the exact same problem on the quiz/test item for this lesson as Linda is having. The percentage does not rise above 93.7.
My husband is from Costa Rica
Es lo mismo igual que/ tan como, se asemejan y se pueden utilizar.
Tan rojas como las cerezas/ rojas igualnque las cerezas, es el mismo significado, e. El mismo tiempo.
También está correcto la contestación: "Yo estoy", pues viene del verbo estar. Además los verbos: estar, llegar y regresar son sinónimos. Volver (vuelvo), estar(estoy), llegar(llego). Entiendo que las dos premisas son correctas, tanto la que utilizas como la que utilicé en el contexto.
Is it correct to say, 'Desde cuándo haces tal cosa?'. For example, 'Desde cuándo tocas el piano?', to elicit the answer, 'desde mi infancia'.
Thanks in advance.
The example 'Sierra Nevada se encuentra en la provincia de Granada.' seems to me to suggest passive 'se' rather than reflexive. Perhaps because I tend to translate it as 'is found' (passive). Is that an accurate translation?
Also, I've got in the habit of using the Latin American ubicar and estar ubicado. Are these considered incorrect in Spain?
Hola Inma,
why the personal "a" is omitted here? - representar a las mujeres
Can you describe in what general contexts these would be used?
Are they interchangeable or are meanings slightly different depending who you’re talking to? Example such as when talking to children.
Quiz question: "Cuanto más ricos, más desgraciados.
The richer [you are], the more miserable [you'll be]."
Why are these adjectives plural? (They are adjectives, right?)
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