Lo que + superlativeOne question on a quiz I just took was something like
_________ menos me impresiona del cuadro es el color. (What impresses me least about this picture is the color.)
I entered 'Lo que el,' which was wrong. The correct response was 'Lo que.' To me, this seems to mean 'What impresses me less..., ' and it strikes me as a tricky combination of the lessons about 'lo que, etc', and 'el menos/la menos etc.' The lesson that I was referred to for review was the 'lo que etc.' lesson, but I found no example of it used immediately followed by a superlative.
It's been my understanding that an article is required to form a superlative (as in - menos=less, el/la/los/las/lo menos=the least). So it seems that the superlative article gets dropped immediately after 'lo que?' What if the sentence had been constructed slightly differently, 'Lo que me impresiona el menos del cuadro es el color?'
One question on a quiz I just took was something like
_________ menos me impresiona del cuadro es el color. (What impresses me least about this picture is the color.)
I entered 'Lo que el,' which was wrong. The correct response was 'Lo que.' To me, this seems to mean 'What impresses me less..., ' and it strikes me as a tricky combination of the lessons about 'lo que, etc', and 'el menos/la menos etc.' The lesson that I was referred to for review was the 'lo que etc.' lesson, but I found no example of it used immediately followed by a superlative.
It's been my understanding that an article is required to form a superlative (as in - menos=less, el/la/los/las/lo menos=the least). So it seems that the superlative article gets dropped immediately after 'lo que?' What if the sentence had been constructed slightly differently, 'Lo que me impresiona el menos del cuadro es el color?'
Why is it “compramos dos billetes de ida y vuelta en ventanilla” and not LA ventanilla? I don’t think I’ve seen this before, it doesn’t seem to fit with the other rules on definite articles?
If the encantan is third person plural because of actividades, then shouldn't it be se encantan? Wouldn't quiero be a better verb?
Why not me gustaríá ser feliz en España ?
Update - I just found the lesson on this. When to use the perfect tense versus the simple past (Perfecto vs Indefinido)
I live in the US and just switched to Latin American Spanish, since it is more likely Spanish speakers I meet will speak this way. I am curious if El Pretérito Perfecto is used in LatAm Spanish when not talking about experiences.
Can I use o instead of a in some cases? E.g. Prefieres agua o té. Prefieres ir a la playa o quedarte en casa?
Thank you
Choose the correct sentence for "She is feeding the ducks."
And the correct answer is given as:Está dándole de comer a los patos.
Should it not be dándoles?Hello, is there some connotation needed for this to trigger the Preterite? Like "These two centuries out of the 5000 years we're talking about"? Or at least "These two very specific centuries"? As opposed to "For two full centuries, which is pretty much forever", where I would have expected the Imperfect.
You wrote : "¡Cómo no, por supuesto!" but isn't it the same thing two times? What is the difference between "cómo no" and "por supuesto"?
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