Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,628 questions • 9,032 answers • 878,141 learners
In the test, the answer was wrong. But, grammatically, Yo tengo and tengo should be accepted as correct!
Please can you check why this was marked incorrect!!!
Hi, how can i know when to use an indefinite article? I know to not use it in front of a profession. Thank you,Shirley.
A quiz marked 'Te no miras' (you don't look at yourself) as correct. But I don't think it is. The reflex particle goes closer to the conjugated verb. 'No te miras'
Is ‘desde que légué less formal?
I am very confused with the use of subjunctive mode in hypothetical clauses intorduce by si and the second followed by conditional verbs. I found out there their are different modes, present ,past, imperfect 1&2 , pluperfect 1&2. How do I know which is to use,?
Why was "Yo predigo que vas a ganar la loteria" marked wrong and the correct answer given was: "Predigo que..." ?
I have always thought it an option to use the pronoun with the verb even though it can be left out.
Kwizbot: y el código de vestimenta dice que
I: y dice el código de vestimenta que
How much less preferable is my response to Kwibot's here?
Hi, a suggestion: “This is to preserve the hard G sound from the infinitive”. (The Spanish G sounds like the jota when it comes before an E or and I: G+E: gente (people), recoger (to collect), alegra (happy) G+I: digital (digital), girasol (sunflower), elegir (to choose)).
In this exercise, the adjective "gran" has been placed BEFORE the noun "siesta". To me, that suggests that the nap was "great", "wonderful", "marvelous", etc. as opposed to big, (i.e., long) in which case, I think that the adjective "grande" would be used and placed BEHIND the noun "siesta". However, in the English translation, I think I remember the word "big" being used (I'm not absolutely positive about this). Would you care to comment on this issue?
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