Are the different types of adverbs significant?(1) Most of the adverbs on the list are used with adjectives: demasiado verdes, muy estricta, un poco cansadas, bastante ruidoso, tan rápidamente.
(2) But mucho is different as it is used with verbs: te quiere mucho, no dormí mucho. And it wouldn’t seem to work with adjectives, for example, los platanos están mucho verdes needs to be stated as muy verdes.
(3) Tanto is different again, as it functions as a direct object. No puedes comer tanto.
Are these differences important, and should we learn more about these different categories of adverbs? Thanks.
I have seen llevarse and tomarse used more frequently than tardarse and demorarse. Is this the more common colloquial way of saying "to take time", or is this perhaps a regional difference? For example --
Me llevó un poco más de tiempo que de costumbre dormirme.
Me tomé un tiempo para pensarlo.
Le llevó mucho tiempo para elegir un sombrero.
Nos llevó media hora montar la tienda.
Hello! I wrote "lo pasarán bien" instead of "se divertirán mucho" and I believe the feedback advised me to use the verb in the reflexive form ("se lo pararán bien"). In the past, I had encountered "pasarlo bien" as meaning "to have a good time" without using "se." Can you please clarify? Thanks so much.
I'm puzzled. I guess the Nunca has to go first?
(1) Most of the adverbs on the list are used with adjectives: demasiado verdes, muy estricta, un poco cansadas, bastante ruidoso, tan rápidamente.
(2) But mucho is different as it is used with verbs: te quiere mucho, no dormí mucho. And it wouldn’t seem to work with adjectives, for example, los platanos están mucho verdes needs to be stated as muy verdes.
(3) Tanto is different again, as it functions as a direct object. No puedes comer tanto.
Are these differences important, and should we learn more about these different categories of adverbs? Thanks.
Hi, how does Fiesta fit into this lesson? Gracias, shirley.
Yesterday I was visiting my friend Jimena.
The best answer is:
Ayer estuve visitando a mi amiga Jimena.
Is it incorrect to say estaba visitando OR visitaba ?
I can't find any lessons on the differences.
Is there a comprehensive rule for when to use (or not use) PARA before an infinitive? I sometimes encounter examples where para is used without the sense of "purpose" that is supposed to trigger the use of "para." In other words, I can't use the rule "in order to" to translate these sentences.
Cuándo estaba en Australia, tenía muchos problemas para hablar inglés.
Tuvimos muchas dificultades para encontrar la parada de autobús.
Fue un día demasiado bueno para quedarse adentro.
We want exercises with answers would be very useful
Terese dice que " a mi no me gusta el frio y por eso prefiero viajar en otono o invierno a paises mas calidos".
pues, si no se gusta el frio, porque viaja en otono o invierno?? pienso que hay una problema en la oracion. o hay una cosa que no yo entiendo:)
hasta luego!
Why is estaba used in the sentence-
Después del baño, estaba muy calmado y feliz.
Why not era. Is it because describing feeling in the past?
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