Using varios/varias to say some (indefinite adjectives and pronouns)

We use the indefinite adjectives varios/varias to say some. They can also be pronouns. They are generally used in their plural forms.

As adjectives

Read and listen to these examples:

-¿Tienes un bolígrafo para mí? -Sí, tengo varios bolígrafos aquí.-Do you have a pen for me? -Yes, I have some pens over here.

Tengo varias candidatas para el puesto de secretaria.I have some/several candidates for the secretary post.

Varios fontaneros han venido pero no han resuelto el problema.Some/Several plumbers came but they didn't solve the problem.

Hicimos una fiesta y varias vecinas se quejaron del ruido.We had a party and some/several neighbours complained about the noise.

Note how varios/varias always agree with the noun they modify and that they are placed in front of the noun. 

As pronouns

If we know what we are referring to, we don't need to repeat the noun. In this case varios/varias can be pronouns.

-¿Tienes un bolígrafo para mí? -Sí, tengo varios aquí.-Do you have a pen for me? -Yes, I have some over here.

Las vecinas escucharon mucho ruido durante la fiesta y varias se quejaron.The neighbours heard a lot of noise during the party and some [of them] complained.

Varios/Varias de +noun

We can also use varios/varias de + noun to say "some of + noun". The noun can be preceded by articles, demonstratives, etc.

For example:

Varios de los asistentes a la conferencia llegaron tarde.Some of the conference participants were late.

Hemos subido el sueldo a varias de nuestras empleadas.We gave a pay rise to some of our [female] employees.

Varios/varias are synonyms of algunos/algunas. See also Using algún (a, as, os) to say some or any in Spanish

See also Adjetivo indefinido 

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Examples and resources

Tengo varias candidatas para el puesto de secretaria.I have some/several candidates for the secretary post.
Varios fontaneros han venido pero no han resuelto el problema.Some/Several plumbers came but they didn't solve the problem.
Hicimos una fiesta y varias vecinas se quejaron del ruido.We had a party and some/several neighbours complained about the noise.
-¿Tienes un bolígrafo para mí? -Sí, tengo varios aquí.-Do you have a pen for me? -Yes, I have some over here.
Las vecinas escucharon mucho ruido durante la fiesta y varias se quejaron.The neighbours heard a lot of noise during the party and some [of them] complained.
Varios de los asistentes a la conferencia llegaron tarde.Some of the conference participants were late.
Hemos subido el sueldo a varias de nuestras empleadas.We gave a pay rise to some of our [female] employees.
-¿Tienes un bolígrafo para mí? -Sí, tengo varios bolígrafos aquí.-Do you have a pen for me? -Yes, I have some pens over here.
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