Using the imperative with reflexive pronouns: affirmative commands (El Imperativo)

Note that this is a Europe focused lesson. Your active focus is Latin America.

Learn about the imperative with reflexive pronouns in Spanish

When using affirmative commands with reflexive verbs, you always place the pronoun after the commanding verb, attached to it. 

¡Levántate ahora mismo!Get up right now! (you = tú)

¡Ponte la camiseta!Put your T-shirt on! (you = tú)

¡Siéntese en el sofá!Sit down on the sofa! (you = usted)

¡Córtense el pelo en mi peluquería!Have your hair cut at my hairdresser's! (you = ustedes)

Here are some important points to take into account when using reflexive verbs in El Imperativo in Spanish:

1. The affirmative command of the nosotros/nosotras (1st person plural) loses the -s of the -mos ending when the verb is reflexive.

¡Levantémonos temprano!Let's get up early!

¡Vayámonos a la playa!Let's go to the beach!

2. For learners of European Spanish it's also important to note that the affirmative command of the vosotros/vosotras (2nd person plural) loses the -d of the commanding verb when the verb is reflexive.

¡Duchaos con agua fría!Have a shower with cold water! (you = vosotros)

¡Lavaos el pelo!Wash your hair! (you = vosotros)


Note that verb ir (to go) has two different forms for the affirmative command of the 2nd person plural (vosotros/vosotras):

  1. iros 
  2. idos

When conjugating verbs with reflexive pronouns in El Imperativo you will often need to add an accent [ ´ ] in accordance with the Spanish rules for written accents.

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¡Lavaos el pelo!Wash your hair! (you = vosotros)
¡Córtense el pelo en mi peluquería!Have your hair cut at my hairdresser's! (you = ustedes)
¡Levántate ahora mismo!Get up right now! (you = tú)
¡Siéntese en el sofá!Sit down on the sofa! (you = usted)
¡Levantémonos temprano!Let's get up early!
¡Vayámonos a la playa!Let's go to the beach!
¡Duchaos con agua fría!Have a shower with cold water! (you = vosotros)
¡Ponte la camiseta!Put your T-shirt on! (you = tú)
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