Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,639 questions • 9,008 answers • 875,600 learners
Are there any keyboard shortcuts to replay the audio? It would be really helpful the just click something like "ctrl + spacebar" to hear the audio again. Thanks.
Sorry, i found the answer in the lesson.
Hi, thanks for all your answers.
What does Aún así (both accented) mean in Concierto de Año Nuevo? Thanks,
"You could recover your money" refers to a future possibility not a past action or possibility.
"You could have recovered your money" refers to not a past action but rather to something that could have been done in the past.. The English is confusing , however much the hint says it is a past action.
Usted ________ su dinero.You could recover your money.(HINT: It refers to a past action)debe recuperarha podido recuperarha recuperadopudo recuperardebería recuperarIs it possible to turn off the spanish vos form?
In the quiz I just took, I was supposed to translate "that famous film". I said "Esa película famosa" and was marked wrong. The answer was "aquella película famosa".
Given that the usage is somewhat subjective, and depends on how close the person feels to the object, shouldn't "esa" also be correct?
Edited to add: looks like I can't delete the question. I just went back to my quiz results, and it looks like there's a hint that I missed, that the speaker was feeling distant from the film. So that explains it.
Hello, all these examples are in the form QUERER + INFINITIVE.
Would the translations be the same for QUERER + NOUN?
ex. I didn't want the free food. "No quise la comida gratis" or "No quería la comida gratis"?
Hola Inma,
"Lo de que las películas de acción son muy emocionantes"
would it also de correct to use sean instead, given the informacion already known?
(As you can see, i'm still strangling with the subjunctive.)
Hola Inma,
"se originó en la región de Río de la Plata"
My answer was:
fue originado en la región de Río de la Plata.
No entiendo la diferencia. ¿Me podrías explicar?
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