Cardinal points in Spanish are masculine

Spanish cardinal points are nouns and as such they have a gender: masculine

Learn about the gender of cardinal points in Spanish

Cardinal points in Spanish are always masculine.

El sur = south

El norte = north

El este = east

El oestewest

El sureste/sudeste south-east

El suroeste/sudoeste south-west

El noreste/nordeste = north-east

El noroeste = north-west

Note that "nordoeste" does not exist.

Read and listen to these examples:

Vivo en el norte de España.I live in the north of Spain.

Sandra vive en el nordeste de Madrid.Sandra lives in the north-east of Madrid.

Lucía vive en el noreste de Salamanca.Lucía lives in the north-east of Salamanca.

Nosotros estamos en el este de Cuba.We are in eastern Cuba.

Paula y Marcos viven en el sudeste de Argentina.Paula and Marcos live in the south-east of Argentina.

Yo vivo en el sureste de Granada.I live in the south-east of Granada.

Ana va a ir al sur de Francia.Ana is going to go to southern France.

Yo estoy en el suroeste de Japón.I am in south-west Japan.

Estoy en el sudoeste de Perú.I am in south-west Peru.

Vosotros vivís en el oeste de Estados Unidos.You live in the west of the USA.

Usted va a visitar el noroeste de Italia.You are going to visit the north-west of Italy.

See also Género and Gender of nouns in Spanish: masculine.

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Examples and resources

Ana va a ir al sur de Francia.Ana is going to go to southern France.
Lucía vive en el noreste de Salamanca.Lucía lives in the north-east of Salamanca.
Nosotros estamos en el este de Cuba.We are in eastern Cuba.
Estoy en el sudoeste de Perú.I am in south-west Peru.
Yo estoy en el suroeste de Japón.I am in south-west Japan.
Vivo en el norte de España.I live in the north of Spain.
Sandra vive en el nordeste de Madrid.Sandra lives in the north-east of Madrid.
Paula y Marcos viven en el sudeste de Argentina.Paula and Marcos live in the south-east of Argentina.
Vosotros vivís en el oeste de Estados Unidos.You live in the west of the USA.
Usted va a visitar el noroeste de Italia.You are going to visit the north-west of Italy.
Yo vivo en el sureste de Granada.I live in the south-east of Granada.
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