Spanish -uir verbs in the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)


Learn about Spanish -uir verbs in El Presente de Subjuntivo

In Spanish verbs that end in -uir undergo a change when they are conjugated in El Presente de Subjuntivo.

Two common -uir verbs in Spanish are: huir (to run away) and construir (to build)

Conjugation of Spanish verbs "huir" and "construir" in  El Presente de Subjuntivo

to run away
to build
 yo huya construya
  huyas construyas

él / ella / usted

huya construya
nosotros / nosotras huyamos construyamos
vosotros / vosotras huyáis construyáis
ellos / ellas / ustedes
huyan construyan

Notice how for these verbs we add -y- between the stem and the ending in all forms.

The endings are the same as those for -ir regular verbs in El Presente de Subjuntivo.

Look at and listen to these examples:

Mi hija quiere que yo construya una casa de madera en el jardín.My daughter wants me to build a wooden house in the garden.

¡No huyas, cobarde!Don't run away, you coward! [you=tú]

Tal vez huya de los problemas.He may be running away from problems.

¡Huyamos juntos sin decir nada a nadie!Let's run away together without saying a word to anyone!

El ayuntamiento no os permite que construyáis vuestra casa aquí.The council does not permit you to build your house here. [you=vosotros]

Es legal que construyan hoteles altísimos en Dubai.It is legal to build [lit: that they build] very tall hotels in Dubai.

¡Huyan y no vuelvan!Run away and don't come back!

See also: List of Spanish irregular -uir verbs (i > y) in the present and past tenses.

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Examples and resources

¡Huyamos juntos sin decir nada a nadie!Let's run away together without saying a word to anyone!
Mi hija quiere que yo construya una casa de madera en el jardín.My daughter wants me to build a wooden house in the garden.
Tal vez huya de los problemas.He may be running away from problems.
Es legal que construyan hoteles altísimos en Dubai.It is legal to build [lit: that they build] very tall hotels in Dubai.
¡Huyan y no vuelvan!Run away and don't come back!
¡No huyas, cobarde!Don't run away, you coward! [you=tú]
El ayuntamiento no os permite que construyáis vuestra casa aquí.The council does not permit you to build your house here. [you=vosotros]
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