Using qué de + noun in exclamations about quantities

Learn how to express surprise with qué de in Spanish

To express surprise at how much of something there is in Spanish we use qué de followed by a noun. This expresses the same as Using Cuánto + noun in exclamations about quantities in Spanish, but qué de is more idiomatic/colloquial.

Have a look at the following examples:

¡Qué de cerveza hemos bebido!We drank so much beer!

¡Qué de dinero tienes! Eres rico...What a lot of money you have! You're rich...

¡Qué de historias de la guerra nos cuentas, abuelo!You tell us so many stories about the war, grandpa!

¡Qué de sobrinos tienes!You have so many nephews!

¡Qué de documentos tengo que firmar!How many documents I have to sign!

¡Qué de comida preparé ayer!What a lot of food I prepared yesterday!

Note that:

  • we can use qué de with singular and plural nouns
  • qué de is invariable
  • qué has a written accent

Do not use qué de + noun in interrogative sentences to ask how much/many of something...? It is only used in exclamatory sentences.

This would be incorrect:

¿Qué de cerveza bebieron ayer?
How much beer did they drink yesterday?  

See also Using Cuánto + noun in exclamations about quantities in Spanish


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Examples and resources

¡Qué de cerveza hemos bebido!We drank so much beer!
¡Qué de sobrinos tienes!You have so many nephews!
¡Qué de documentos tengo que firmar!How many documents I have to sign!
¡Qué de dinero tienes! Eres rico...What a lot of money you have! You're rich...
¡Qué de historias de la guerra nos cuentas, abuelo!You tell us so many stories about the war, grandpa!
¡Qué de comida preparé ayer!What a lot of food I prepared yesterday!
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