Using Cuánto + verb in exclamations about quantities in Spanish

Spanish exclamations with "cuánto"


Look at these sentences with the exclamatory word ¡cuánto + verb!

¡Cuánto aprendo en alemán!I'm learning so much in German! [lit: How much I learn in German!]

¡Cuánto has crecido desde la última vez que te vi!How much you've grown since the last time I saw you!

¡Cuánto vas a viajar con tu nuevo trabajo!You're going to travel so much with your new job! [lit: How much you are going to travel with your new job!]

¡Cuánto me estoy acordando de ti!I'm remembering so much about you! [lit: How much I am remembering you!]

Cuánto can be used in front of a verb to express surprise at how much someone is doing that action. In this specific use of cuánto, the other forms are not correct (cuánta, cuántos, cuántas).

It would be incorrect to say:

¡Cuántos sabes, papá!
How much you know, dad! / You know so much, dad!

¡Cuánta bailas!
How much you dance!/ You dance so much!

To see other expressions with exclamatives, see:


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¡Cuánto aprendo en alemán!I'm learning so much in German! [lit: How much I learn in German!]
¡Cuánto me estoy acordando de ti!I'm remembering so much about you! [lit: How much I am remembering you!]
¡Cuánto vas a viajar con tu nuevo trabajo!You're going to travel so much with your new job! [lit: How much you are going to travel with your new job!]
¡Cuánto has crecido desde la última vez que te vi!How much you've grown since the last time I saw you!
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