Using the Spanish present tense to order, advise or make a request

The present tense in Spanish has other functions other than to express actions in the present moment.

Learn how to use El Presente  for advice, order or request in Spanish

In Spanish, we can use El Presente to offer advice or make an order or request, in a colloquial way.

Have a look a the following examples:


Niños, os ponéis los abrigos y nos vamos.Boys, put on your coats and let's go.


Ahora vas al bar y buscas a tu padre, por favor.Go to the bar now and look for your dad.

This is using the present tense to make order or request.

-Carmen está enfadada. -Pues vas y hablas con ella.-Carmen is upset. -Well, go and talk to her.

This is using the present tense to offer advice.

This use of the present is colloquial. It is an alternative to using El Imperativo, for example:

Ve al bar y busca a tu padre!" (Imperative)

"Vas al bar y buscas a tu padre." (Present)

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Examples and resources

-Carmen está enfadada. -Pues vas y hablas con ella.-Carmen is upset. -Well, go and talk to her.
Ahora vas al bar y buscas a tu padre, por favor.Go to the bar now and look for your dad.
Niños, os ponéis los abrigos y nos vamos.Boys, put on your coats and let's go.
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