In Spanish, "cómo no" is used to express "of course" colloquially . This usually happens in these two different situations:

Cómo no: a polite response

polite way to say literally "of course" as a response to a petition from someone is "Cómo no."

For example, if someone asks you:

¿Me dejas usar tu baño?

May I use your bathrom?

A very affirmative "yes of course" would be:

¡Sí, cómo no!Yes, of course!

Adding "Sí" is more emphatic, but you could just say:

¡Cómo no!¡Of course [you can]!

Other examples are:

- Señora, ¿me permite su abrigo, por favor? - Cómo no.- Madam, may I take your coat, please? - Of course.

- ¿Puedo traer a un acompañante a tu fiesta? - ¡Cómo no, por supuesto!- May I bring a plus one to your party? - Yes, absolutely!

Using cómo no in this context reinforces the affirmation.

Cómo no: stating the obvious

To refer to something that the speaker considers as something expected, obvious, needless to say

For example:

Y, cómo no, Mario llegó media hora tarde a la cita.And, of course, (no surprise here), Mario arrived half an hour late to the appointment.

- Al final Marisa le prestó el dinero a Paula. - Cómo no, Marisa, siempre tan generosa...- In the end, Marisa lent the money to Paula. - Of course, (what else could happen), Marisa, always so generous...

Yo siempre le echo una buena cantidad de aceite al gazpacho, cómo no; el aceite de oliva es esencial para el gazpacho.I always put a good quantity of oil to the gazpacho, of course (as it should be, obviously); olive oil is essential for gazpacho.

En nuestra visita a Barcelona fuimos a ver la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia, cómo no.In our visit to Barcelona we went to see the Sagrada Familia church, of course (who wouldn't do that?)

This cómo no implies the obvious, it is a situation that is understood to be the natural thing to happen.

Note that for both these uses of cómo no, the word cómo has a written accent.

See other interesting uses of como/cómo:

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Examples and resources

- Señora, ¿me permite su abrigo, por favor? - Cómo no.- Madam, may I take your coat, please? - Of course.
- ¿Puedo traer a un acompañante a tu fiesta? - ¡Cómo no, por supuesto!- May I bring a plus one to your party? - Yes, absolutely!
Y, cómo no, Mario llegó media hora tarde a la cita.And, of course, (no surprise here), Mario arrived half an hour late to the appointment.
- Al final Marisa le prestó el dinero a Paula. - Cómo no, Marisa, siempre tan generosa...- In the end, Marisa lent the money to Paula. - Of course, (what else could happen), Marisa, always so generous...
Yo siempre le echo una buena cantidad de aceite al gazpacho, cómo no; el aceite de oliva es esencial para el gazpacho.I always put a good quantity of oil to the gazpacho, of course (as it should be, obviously); olive oil is essential for gazpacho.
En nuestra visita a Barcelona fuimos a ver la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia, cómo no.In our visit to Barcelona we went to see the Sagrada Familia church, of course (who wouldn't do that?)
¡Sí, cómo no!Yes, of course!
¡Cómo no!¡Of course [you can]!
I'll be right with you...