In answer to questions, the English expressions I think so, I guess so and I hope are not translated literally into Spanish, which can create a bit of confusion.
How to say I think so / I don't think so in Spanish
We use the verbs "creer" or "pensar" in this context, followed by "que".
For example, to answer to the question:
¿Viene Patricia a la fiesta?
Is Patricia coming to the party?
The answers could be:
Note that "pensar" is slightly more formal than "creer".
How to say I guess so / I guess not in Spanish
To answer the same question above with some doubt, we use the verb "suponer" (to guess), followed by "que". The answers could be:
How to say I hope so / I hope not in Spanish
Tto express hope we use the verb "esperar" (to hope), followed by "que", for example:
Be careful not to omit "que" in any of the possible answers. This would be incorrect:
Espero sí. / Supongo no./ Creo sí.
It is equally incorrect if we omit sí or no:
Creo que. /Supongo que. / Espero que.
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