Queísmo, Dequeísmo and Deísmo

Using que, de que and de incorrectly

Spanish speakers sometimes use the conjunction "que" and the preposition "de"  incorrectly. When this happens, it is called "queísmo" and "dequeísmo" , respectively.


Queísmo is when "que" is used instead of the correct "de que": the required preposition de is mistakenly omitted. For example, when saying  "darse cuenta de algo(to realise something), some people say incorrectly:

Me di cuenta que ya no lo quería.
I realised that I didn't love him any more.

The correct way to say this is:

Me di cuenta de que ya no lo quería.I realised that I didn't love him any more.



Dequeísmo is when "de que" is used instead of the correct "que":  the preposition de when it is not needed and is grammatically incorrect:

Yo opino de que deberían controlar más a los niños.
I think that they should supervise the children more.

The correct way to say this is:

Yo opino que deberían controlar más a los niños.I think that they should supervise the children more.

Sometimes the preposition "de" is placed before an infinitive incorrectly. This is called "deísmo"

For example:

This is incorrect:

"¿A quién le toca de sacar la basura hoy?" -"A Javier."

This is correct:

-¿A quién le toca sacar la basura hoy? -A Javier.-Whose turn is it to take the rubbish out today? -Javier's.

This is incorrect:

¡No me hagas de rabiar!

This is correct:

¡No me hagas rabiar!Don't make me angry!


I'll be right with you...