Listening exercise question...

Robert W.C1Kwiziq community member

Listening exercise question...

Hi, I'm wondering if Inma is speaking in her normal voice/pace in this audio, or if she is enunciating carefully for us learners and the B2 level? I'm asking because I've noticed that I understand her pretty well, but when I watch videos of native speakers on Youtube, often I don't understand anything. Thanks!

Asked 4 years ago
InmaKwiziq Head of Spanish, Native Spanish Teacher

Hola Robert,

This is not my usual tone or speed, no. In a normal conversation I would blend letters more and it would be quicker. Because of the type of reader that we are doing here, an informative text about Carlos Ruiz Zafón, everything is pronounced more carefully. You will definitely find more challenging most Youtube videos by native speakers. We use them from time to time for the extra challenge. 



D. A.A2Kwiziq community member
La velocidad y la pronuciación son perfectas para mi. Es un desafilo y empeizo por escuchando y sin las palabras escritas. Leo el ensayo para aprender palabras nuevas. Este es solo mi método y no recomiéndolo a todos. Para mí lo importante es reconocer la lengua dicha.
Paul E.B2Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

Ha ha Robert, you wish!! Peninsula Spanish is the second most rapidly spoken language on the planet, shortly after one of the Chinese languages, I think it may be Manderin. I feel sorry for Spanish people speaking to me, I think that they slow down by at least a third, and it's still to quick for my brain.  Practice more I suppose!

Robert W. asked:

Listening exercise question...

Hi, I'm wondering if Inma is speaking in her normal voice/pace in this audio, or if she is enunciating carefully for us learners and the B2 level? I'm asking because I've noticed that I understand her pretty well, but when I watch videos of native speakers on Youtube, often I don't understand anything. Thanks!

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