Difference between Sí and Si in Spanish (with or without accent)

There are words in Spanish which change their meaning simply when you use a written accent. Let's look at  vs Si.

Spanish "sí" with an accent

1. An adverb that expresses affirmation. This usage is usually translated as yes.

- ¿Quieres una cerveza? - , gracias.- Would you like a beer? - Yes, thank you.

Spanish "si" without an accent

1. Si as a conjunction that introduces conditional sentences. This usage is usually translated as if.

Si quieres, nos podemos tomar unas cervezas.If you want, we can have some beers.

2. Si as a conjunction in indirect questions. This usage is usually translated as whether. 

No sabe si prefiere español o francés.She doesn't know whether she prefers Spanish or French.

Pregúntale a Víctor si va a venir al cine o no.Ask Víctor whether he is coming to the cinema or not.

Bear in mind that, although these are the most common translations for  and Si, they could also refer to:

  • "yes" as a noun meaning "approval", e.g "Ella le dio el en el altar" (She gave him the yes/her approval/her assent at the altar.)
  • the musical note B, the  seventh in the scale, i.e "Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do"
  • the emphatic reflexive pronoun "sí", e.g. "María se critica mucho a misma" (María criticizes hersef a lot.) 

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- ¿Quieres una cerveza? - , gracias.- Would you like a beer? - Yes, thank you.
Si quieres, nos podemos tomar unas cervezas.If you want, we can have some beers.
No sabe si prefiere español o francés.She doesn't know whether she prefers Spanish or French.
Pregúntale a Víctor si va a venir al cine o no.Ask Víctor whether he is coming to the cinema or not.
Difference between Sí and Si in Spanish (with or without accent)
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