
Spanish C1 writing exercise

María enjoys the sharp, refreshing taste of fresh cranberries.

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "to approach", "to bite", "to characterize (be typical of)" and "precisely".

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into Spanish

  • I’ll show you where you make mistakes
  • I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
  • Change my choices if you want
Start the exercise

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

María sat at the kitchen table with a small cup filled with fresh red cranberries. As she observed them, their bright red color reminded her of the autumnal season and the holidays that were approaching. She took one of the cranberries between her fingers and brought it to her mouth. As she bit into it, she tasted the acidic and slightly bitter taste that characterizes this fruit. Of course, it was not like eating grapes or strawberries; cranberries had an intense acidity, but María loved them precisely because of their so unique flavors. As she continued eating, she thought of all the recipes that she could make with them: a sauce to accompany the turkey, a refreshing juice, or even mix them with other fruits in a salad. Although raw they were somewhat intense, María was fascinated by that explosion of flavour. They were the perfect complement to any dish!

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