¡Hola a todos!
It's really important to try to keep active during this time, I've personally been in serious lockdown for 7 days now. For those of you that don't know, I'm based in Paris and there are very strict rules about what constitutes a legitimate reason for leaving the home. So I was thinking about how to remain physically healthy and in France going out for exercise (by yourself!) is one reason you are permitted to be outside.
For those of you with nostalgia for the time we could still do sport with others, practise your backhand and whether you need the infinitive or the gerund with this A2 fill-in-the-blanks kwiz:
However, as many cannot go outside perhaps you would like to try some yoga moves with an online Spanish instructor! Try this 4-week yoga plan, here's week one:
¡Saludos y salud!