I’ll give you some sentences to translate into Spanish
- I’ll show you where you make mistakes
- I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
- Change my choices if you want
How the test works
You’ll practise: Jerga/ Expresión idiomática, Written accents in Spanish, Tilde diacrítica
Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:
Oh no! It has happened again! I'm stuck on the M30 this morning going to work. So many cars ahead of me! I am not going to arrive on time and my boss is not going to be happy. Right now the traffic has stopped, I hope there's not an accident because otherwise, it will be worse. It's horrible to be in a traffic jam, many drivers are angry and they're honking the horn, how annoying! When will I arrive at my destination?