How to ask for directions in Spanish

A list of useful Spanish vocabulary about how to find one's bearings.

Spanish vocabulary

¿Cómo se llega ... ? How do you get to ... ?
Girar To turn
Tomar To Take
Torcer (Spain) To turn
Doblar to turn
A la derecha (on the) right
A la izquierda (on the) left
Continuar To continue
Todo recto Straight/straight on/straight ahead
El cruce Intersection/crossroads
El semáforo traffic lights
La rotonda roundabout/traffic circle
Cruzar To cross
La carretera road
La calle street
La avenida avenue
La autopista motorway/freeway/highway
El paso de peatones pedestrian crossing/crosswalk
El paso de cebra zebra crossing/crosswalk
La esquina The corner
La acera pavement / sidewalk
El destino destination
La ruta route
Ir a... To go to...
Llegar a... To arrive at...
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