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- Spanish words related to "El Día de Todos los Santos" and "El Día de los Difuntos" .
Spanish words related to "El Día de Todos los Santos" and "El Día de los Difuntos" .
A list of vocabulary related to 1st and 2nd of November celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries.
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El día de Todos los Santos | | All Saints's day |
las flores | | the flowers |
el cementerio | | the cemetery |
el alma | | the soul |
el espíritu | | spirit |
la calavera | | the skull |
la vela | | the candle |
los huesos de santo | | the saint's bones (traditional marzipan pastry) |
los buñuelos de viento | | the "nun's puffs" (traditional light fritters/doughnuts) |
la tumba | | the grave |
el sepulcro | | the sepulcher |
el ciprés | | the cypress |
la ánima | | the soul in purgatory |
el purgatorio | | the purgatory |
el esqueleto | | the skeleton |
el altar | | the altar |
el catolicismo | | the Catholicism |
una castaña | | chestnut |
el difunto | | the deceased |
los muertos | | the corpses |
el cadáver | | the cadaver |
la muerte | | the death |
la guadaña | | the scythe |
el infierno | | the hell |
el paraíso | | the paradise |
la ofrenda | | the offering |
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