Spanish words that derive from Arabic
A list of everyday Spanish vocabulary that came from Arabic
| | |
aceite | | oil |
aceituna | | olive |
acelga | | Swiss chard |
ajedrez | | chess |
albañil | | builder |
albaricoque | | apricot |
alcalde | | mayor |
alcantarilla | | drain or gutter |
alcohol | | alcohol |
aldea | | hamlet or small village |
alfil | | (chess) bishop |
alfombra | | carpet or rug |
algodón | | cotton |
almohada | | pillow |
alquiler | | rent |
azotea | | rooftop terrace |
azul | | blue |
azulejo | | tile |
barrio | | neighbourhood |
cero | | zero |
dado | | die (singular of dice) |
guitarra | | guitar |
jarabe | | syrup |
jarra | | jug, jar |
jirafa | | giraffe |
marfil | | ivory |
noria | | water wheel or big wheel (fairground ride) |
nuca | | nape |
tambor | | drum |
taza | | mug |
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