Tourist accommodation vocabulary in Spanish
List of different types of tourist accommodation in Spanish
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el hotel | | hotel |
el apartamento turístico | | tourist apartment |
el apartahotel | | aparthotel |
la casa rural | | cottage or farmhouse |
el parador | | parador (historic building that's been converted into a state-run hotel) |
el albergue (Spain) | | hostel |
el hostel (LatAm) | | hostel |
el camping | | campsite |
el hostal | | small low-cost hotel/hostal |
la pensión | | bed and breakfast accommodation |
la cabaña | | (often wooden) cabin |
la tienda de campaña | | tent |
el chalet | | villa |
el chalé | | villa |
la villa (Latam) | | villa |
la caravana | | caravan |
la casa rodante (LatAm) | | caravan |
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