Easter vocabulary in Spanish
A list of Easter words in Spanish
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el Miércoles de Ceniza | | Ash Wednesday |
el ayuno | | fasting |
la Cuaresma | | Lent |
la Pasión de Cristo | | Passion of Jesus |
la Semana Santa | | Easter, Holy Week |
el Domingo de Ramos | | Palm Sunday |
el Lunes Santo | | Easter Monday |
el Martes Santo | | Holy Tuesday |
el Miércoles Santo | | Holy Wednesday |
el Jueves Santo | | Holy Thursday |
la Madrugá | | night from Holy Thursday to Holy Friday |
el Viernes Santo | | Good Friday |
el Sábado Santo | | Holy Saturday |
el Domingo de Resurrección | | Easter Sunday |
el Domingo de Pascua | | Easter Sunday |
la procesión | | procession |
el paso | | the float |
el nazareno | | Nazarene (male) |
la nazarena | | Nazarene (female) |
el costalero | | float carrier/bearer (male) |
la costalera | | float carrier/bearer (female) |
el capataz | | person in charge of guiding the float and its bearers |
el penitente | | penitent (male) |
la penitente | | penitent (female) |
la cofradía | | brotherhood |
el capirote | | capirote (conical headdress worn by the Nazarenes) |
el cirio | | large thick candle |
el candelabro | | chandelier |
el incienso | | incense |
la mantilla | | mantilla (lace or silk veil or shawl) |
vestirse de mantilla | | to wear a mantilla |
la hermandad | | brotherhood |
la virgen | | a represenation of the virgin |
el cristo | | a representation of Christ |
el crucifijo | | crucifix |
la cruz | | cross |
el manto | | mantle, cape |
el palio | | canopy type structure with the image or figure of the virgin |
la vela | | candle |
poner velas a los santos | | to light candles for the Saints |
la capilla | | chapel |
la saeta | | saeta, typical song for Easter processions |
rezar | | to pray |
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