Nationalities in Spanish that end in -e

A comprehensive list of nationalities in Spanish ending in -e that are invariable

Spanish vocabulary

árabe Arab (from the Arabian Peninsula)
etíope Ethiopian
malgache Madagascan
canadiense Canadian
estadounidense American (from the USA)
costarricense Costa Rican
nicaragüense Nicaraguan
zimbabuense Zimbabwean
sanmarinense Sammarinese (from San Marino)
singapurense Singaporean
vanuatuense Vanuatuan (from Vanuatu)
salomonense Solomon Islander (from Solomon Islands)
timorense East Timorese (from East Timor)
seychellense Seychellois (from the Seychelles Islands)
maliense Malian (from Mali)
lesotense Basotho (from Lesotho)
comorense Comorian (from Comoros)
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