Nationalities in Spanish that end in -e
A comprehensive list of nationalities in Spanish ending in -e that are invariable
| | |
árabe | | Arab (from the Arabian Peninsula) |
etíope | | Ethiopian |
malgache | | Madagascan |
canadiense | | Canadian |
estadounidense | | American (from the USA) |
costarricense | | Costa Rican |
nicaragüense | | Nicaraguan |
zimbabuense | | Zimbabwean |
sanmarinense | | Sammarinese (from San Marino) |
singapurense | | Singaporean |
vanuatuense | | Vanuatuan (from Vanuatu) |
salomonense | | Solomon Islander (from Solomon Islands) |
timorense | | East Timorese (from East Timor) |
seychellense | | Seychellois (from the Seychelles Islands) |
maliense | | Malian (from Mali) |
lesotense | | Basotho (from Lesotho) |
comorense | | Comorian (from Comoros) |
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