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Vacation activities vocabulary in Spanish

A list of useful Spanish vocabulary about vacation activities to do when you are taking time off

Spanish vocabulary

ir de viaje to go on a trip
reservar to book
reservar un hotel to book a hotel
coger un avión (Spain) to take a plane
tomar un avión (Latam) to take a plane
coger un tren (Spain) to take a train
tomar un tren (LatAm) to take a train
coger un taxi (Spain) to take a taxi
tomar un taxi (LatAm) to take a taxi
reservar una mesa to book a table
alquilar un coche to rent a car
hacer un crucero to take a cruise
hacer un paseo a caballo (Spain) horse riding
dar un paseo a caballo horse riding
hacer un paseo en barco (Spain) to go on a boat
dar un paseo en barco to go on a boat
hacer submarinismo (Spain) to scuba dive
bucear to scuba dive
hacer esnórquel to snorkel
hacer senderismo hiking/trekking
ir a una degustación to go to a tasting event (food/drink)
visitar monumentos to visit places of interest (tourism)
ir a la playa to go to the beach
tomar el sol to sunbathe
bañarse en la piscina to swim in the pool
bañarse en el mar to go swim/paddle in the sea
nadar to swim
ir a un spa to go to a spa
descansar to rest
ir de compras to go shopping
jugar al golf to play golf
ir de acampada (Spain) to go camping
acampar to go camping
contratar a un guía local to hire a local guide
ir de excursión to go on an excursion
hacer deporte to do sports
hacer yoga to do yoga
hacer ejercicio to exercise
montar en bicicleta to ride a bike
escalar una montaña to climb a mountain/mountaineering
visitar un museo to visit a museum
salir a cenar to go out for dinner
salir de copas to go out for drinks