"Day of the Dead" vocabulary in Spanish
A list with useful words related to this Latin-American festivity.
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Día de Muertos | | Day of the Dead |
la celebración | | celebration |
la tradición | | tradition |
la Catrina | | Catrina/Dapper Skeleton |
una ofrenda | | offering |
un altar | | altar |
el cempasúchil | | Mexican marigold |
el pan de muerto | | sweet bread baked for Day of the Dead |
las calaveritas de azúcar | | little sugar skulls |
la vida | | life |
la muerte | | death |
recordar | | to remember |
el difunto | | deceased |
un espíritu | | spirit |
una vela | | candle |
una veladora | | votive candle |
un mantel | | tablecloth |
la sal | | salt |
la alegría | | happiness |
una máscara | | mask |
la familia | | family |
un esqueleto | | skeleton |
el cementerio | | cemetery |
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