Estar a la altura | | to be up to scratch/to meet expectation |
Estar a la venta | | to be for sale |
Estar a la que salta | | to be alert/on the qui vive |
Estar al día | | to be up to date |
Estar al caer | | to be round the corner/arriving imminently |
Estar al corriente | | to be informed |
Estar al loro | | to be on the lookout |
Estar al pie del cañón | | to be ready to support others and fulfill obligations and commitments |
Estar como una cabra | | to be completely mad |
Estar como unas castañuelas | | to be very happy |
Estar como una moto | | to be high (from alcohol, drugs) |
Estar como una rosa | | to be healthy |
Estar como un tren | | to be very physically attractive |
Estar como un toro | | to be physically vigorous/strong |
Estar curado de espanto | | to be immune to something |
Estar de baja | | to be on leave |
Estar de bajón | | to be down |
Estar de guasa | | to be joking/ kidding |
Estar de lujo | | to feel amazing |
Estar de moda | | to be fashionable |
Estar de morros | | to be in a bad mood |
Estar de racha | | to be in luck |
Estar de suerte | | to be in luck |
Estar de vacaciones | | to be on holiday |
Estar de vicio | | to be really delicious (food) |
Estar en la gloria | | to be on cloud nine/in heaven |
Estar en las nubes | | to be daydreaming/distracted |
Estar en el ajo | | to be in on something/in the loop |
Estar en todo | | to be on top of everything/have everything under control |
Estar entre la espada y la pared | | to be between a rock and a hard place |
Estar hasta la coronilla | | to have had enough/ had it up to here |
Estar hasta el moño | | to have had enough |
Estar hasta en la sopa | | to be everywhere |
Estar para chuparse los dedos | | to be really delicious (food)/finger-licking good |
Está que trina | | He/she is really upset |
Está que muerde | | He/she is defensive |
Estar sin blanca | | to be penniless |
Estarle bien empleado | | to deserve a punishment/to serve him/her right |
Estar por alguien | | to have a crush on somebody |
Estar por las nubes | | to be very expensive for a period/to skyrocket (prices) of time |
Estarse quieto | | to stand still |
Estar al tanto (de algo) | | to be on the lookout |
Estar loco / loca por [hacer algo] | | Can't wait to [do something] |