¡Buenos días!
Are you a science fiction fan? Have a look at this really interesting interview with Spanish author Covadonga González-Pola, who has written an article about how science fiction transforms reality, leading us to reflect on how we can improve it, what situations we need to avoid and how we need to learn the lessons of the past and present. In this interview, the focus is on how the current crisis inspires us to find solutions, use our imaginations, and many other positive actions.
You can read the article that is referred to in the interview here:
If you are not a science fiction fan, know that the video above is part of a series of discussions called #RepensandoElMañana sponsored by the Fundación Telefónica on many different subjects generated by reflecting on what the post-covid crisis world could be like. You can see them all on their YouTube page.
Here's a line from their campaign with associated grammar points:
¿Cómo cambiará la crisis que estamos viviendo el mundo que nos rodea?
How will the crisis we are living through change the world around us?
Saludos a todos,