School subjects in Spanish
An essential list of subject names in Spanish for Primary and Secondary schools
| | |
La historia | | History |
La geografía | | Geography |
La biología | | Biology |
La química | | Chemistry |
La física | | Physics |
Las matemáticas | | Maths/Math |
La filosofía | | Philosophy |
El dibujo | | Art |
La plástica | | Art |
El arte | | Art |
la música | | Music |
La lengua | | Language (Spanish) |
La educación física | | Sport/Physical Education (P.E.) |
La lengua extranjera | | Modern foreign language |
El latín | | Latin |
El griego | | Greek |
La religión | | Religious Studies |
La informática | | Computing/Information Technology (I.T.) |
La literatura | | Literature |
La ciudadanía | | Civics/Civic education |
Let me take a look at that...