Kwiziq for teachers
Freeing up your time
Class teachers and independent tutors across the world love Kwiziq’s language tools.
See how our special Features for Teachers can help you to:
- Spend more time teaching and less on piles of admin
- Track individual students’ progress and spot their strengths and weaknesses
- Use group Brainmaps and stats to see how the class as a whole is getting on
- Dedicate classroom time to the topics most needed
- Gain access to a rich resource of content, compiled by native speakers.
So why not take Kwizbot on as your new recruit and eager Teaching Assistant?.
Many of the language tools are completely free and there are generous discounts available on the Premium features for schools and colleges - just contact us here to find out what would apply
Register now ...or have a look at the detailed features for teachers →
This is really an amazing website. I'll tell my friends about it. Really, thanks a lot!
- Muhammad